vineri, 13 iunie 2014

Universitatea Harvard

Harvard, cea mai bună universitate din lume. În top 100 nu se regăsesşte nicio instituţie de învăţământ din România

Universitatea Harvard este pe primul loc în topul celor mai prestigioase o sută de universităţi din lume. Nicio instituţie de învăţământ superior din România nu se află în topul publicat de
Universitatea Harvard este urmată de Institutul de Tehnologie din Massachusetts, Cambridge şi Oxford din Marea Britanie, Universitatea Berkeley din California pe primele cinci poziţii în topul celor mai prestigioase o sută de universităţi din lume, potrivit site-ului
Pe locul şase se află Universitatea Stanford, urmată de alte două unităţi de învăţământ din Statele Unite ale Americii, Stanford şi Princeton, locul nouă revenind Universităţii din Tokyo, în timp ce la poziţia zece este Universitatea americană Yale.
În topul celor o sută de universităţi, în primele cincizeci şi unu de poziţii se regăsesc 28 de universităţi americane (Universitatea Harvard, Institutul de Tehnologie din Massachusetts, Universitatea Berkeley din California, Universităţile Stanford şi Priceton, Universitatea California din Los Angeles, Universitatea Yale, Institutul de Tehnologie din California, Universitatea din Michigan, Universitatea din Columbia, Universitatea din Chicago, Universitatea Cornell, Universitatea din Pennsylvania, Universitatea "Johns Hopkins", Universitatea din Illinois "Urbana Champaign", Universitatea Carnegie Mellon, Universitatea Austin din Texas, Universitatea din Washington, Universitatea din New York, Universitatea Wisconsin din Madison, Univeristatea Duke, Universitatea California din San Diego, Universitatea Northwestern, Institutul de Tehnologie din Georgia, Universitatea California din San Francisco, Universitatea din Massachusetts, Universitatea California din Davis, Universitatea Purdue din West Lafayette).
Tot în primele cincizeci de poziţii, poziţia cincizeci fiind ocupată de două universităţi, sunt şapte universităţi din Marea Britanie (Cambridge, Oxford, Colegiul Imperial din Londra, University College London, Şcoala de ştiinţe Economice şi Politice din Londra, Universităţile din Edinburgh şi Manchester), câte trei din Canada (Universitatea din Toronto, British Columbia din Vancuver şi Universitatea McGill) şi Australia (Universitatea din Melbourne, Universitatea Naţională a Australiei, Universitatea din Sydney), câte două din Japonia (Universitatea din Tokyo şi cea din Kyoto) şi China (Universitatea din Tsinghua şi cea din Beijing), dar şi universităţi din Singapore (Universitatea Naţională din Singapore), Elveţia (Institutul de Tehnologie din Zurich), Hong Kong (Universitatea din Hong Kong), Germania (Universitatea Ludwig-Maximilians din Munchen), Coreea de Sud (Universitatea Naţională din Seul) sau Federaţia Rusă (Lomonosov Moscova).
Următoarele patruzeci de poziţii sunt ocupate de 17 universităţi americane, şase din Olanda, cinci din Franţa, câte trei din Germania, Japonia , Hong Kong şi Australia, câte una din Israel, Belgia, Elveţia, Turcia, Taiwan, Suedia, Marea Britanie, Corea, Brazilia şi Singapore.
Pe ultimele nouă poziţii în top se situează Universitatea Bristol din Marea Britanie, Universitatea Freie din Berlin - Germania, Universitatea Lund din Suedia, Universitatea Maryland din College Park - SUA, Universitatea Monash din Australia, Universitatea Paris-Sud din Franţa, Universitatea Texas A&M - SUA, Universitatea Uppsala din Suedia şi Centrul de Cercetări şi Universitatea Wageningen din Olanda.
Clasamentul mondial al instituţiilor de învăţământ superior în funcţie de reputaţie este elaborat pe baza unui studiu de opinii efectuat în mediile academice.
Studiul privind reputaţia academică, disponibil în zece limbi, utilizează datele Naţiunilor Unite pentru a se asigura că sunt luate în calcul criteriile demografice şi educaţionale corespunzătoare la nivel global. Studiul este realizat în mod egal din punctul de vedere al disciplinelor academice. Persoanele rugate să răspundă sunt reprezentative pentru ţările în care locuiesc şi pentru disciplinele predate în universităţi.
Chestionarul, gestionat de Institutul de sondare a opiniilor Ipsos MediaCT pentru furnizorul de date Thomson Reuters, are ca respondenţi doar membri ai mediilor academice experimentaţi şi cunoscuţi pentru articolele publicate.
Clasamentul pe anul 2013 a fost elaborat pe baza studiilor de opinie efectuate în intervalul martie - aprilie 2012, fiind primite 16.639 de răspunsuri din 144 de ţări. Au fost intervievaţi experţi care au lucrat în mediul academic în medie 17 ani.
Există răspunsuri echilibrate în funcţie de disciplinele de studiu. în 2013, cele mai multe răspunsuri (22,1 la sută) provin de la specialişti în ştiinţe sociale, urmate de experţi în inginerie şi tehnologie (21,3 la sută), ştiinţe fizice (18 la sută), specialişti în discipline medicale (15,4 la sută), ştiinţe despre viaţă şi actualitate (12,7 la sută), specialişti în arte şi ştiinţe umaniste (10,5 la sută).
Şi răspunsurile în funcţie de regiuni sunt echilibrate: 33 la sută din răspunsuri provin din America de Nord, 17 la sută din Europa Occidentală, 12 la sută din Estul Asiei, zece la sută din Oceania, şase la sută din Estul Europei, cinci la sută din America de Sud şi cinci la sută din Orientul Mijlociu.
Specialiştii nu sunt rugaţi să creeze o ierarhie a instituţiilor de învăţământ superior, ci să scrie principalele 15 universităţi pe care le consideră cele mai bune.

Nicolas Cage filmography


YearTitleCredited asRoleNotes
1981Best of TimesYesNicCredited as Nicolas Coppola
1982Fast Times at Ridgemont HighYesBrad's Bud
1983Valley GirlYesRandy
1983Rumble FishYesSmokey
1984Racing with the MoonYesNicky / Bud
1984The Cotton ClubYesVincent Dwyer
1984BirdyYesSergeant Al Columbato
1986The Boy in BlueYesNed Hanlan
1986Peggy Sue Got MarriedYesCharlie Bodell
1987Raising ArizonaYesH. I. McDunnough
1987MoonstruckYesRonny Cammareri
1988Never on TuesdayYesMan in Red Sports CarUncredited
1989Vampire's KissYesPeter Leow
1990Tempo di uccidereYesEnrico Silvestri
1990Fire BirdsYesJake Preston
1990Industrial Symphony No. 1YesHeartbreaker
1990Wild at HeartYesSailor
1992Honeymoon in VegasYesJack Singer
1993Amos & AndrewYesAmos Odell
1994Red Rock WestYesMichael Williams
1994Guarding TessYesDoug Chesnic
1994It Could Happen to YouYesCharlie Lang
1994Trapped in ParadiseYesBill Firpo
1995Kiss of DeathYesLittle Junior
1995Leaving Las VegasYesBen Sanderson
1996The RockYesDr. Stanley Goodspeed
1997Con AirYesCameron Poe
1997Face/OffYesCastor Troy / Sean Archer
1998City of AngelsYesSeth
1998Snake EyesYesRick Santoro
19998mmYesTom Welles
1999Bringing Out the DeadYesFrank Pierce
2000Bel AirYes
2000Gone in Sixty SecondsYesRandall "Memphis" Raines
2000The Family ManYesJack Campbell
2001Shadow of the VampireYes
2001Captain Corelli's MandolinYesCaptain Antonio Corelli
2001Christmas Carol: The MovieYesIntinfulyVoice
2002WindtalkersYesSgt. Joe Enders
2002AdaptationYesCharlie Kaufman / Donald Kaufman
2002SonnyYesYesYesAcid Yellow
2003The Life of David GaleYes
2003Matchstick MenYesRoy Waller
2004National TreasureYesBenjamin Gates
2005Lord of WarYesYesYuri Orlov
2005The Weather ManYesDavid Spritz
2006The Ant BullyYesZocVoice
2006The Curse of SupermanYesHimselfUncredited
Archive footage
2006The Wicker ManYesYesEdward Malus
2006World Trade CenterYesJohn McLoughlin
2007Ghost RiderYesGhost Rider / Johnny Blaze
2007GrindhouseYesDr. Fu ManchuSegment: "Werewolf Women of the SS"
2007NextYesYesCris Johnson
2007National Treasure: Book of SecretsYesBenjamin Gates
2008Bangkok DangerousYesYesJoe
2008Roman Polanski: Wanted and DesiredYesHimselfArchive footage
2009KnowingYesProfessor Jonathan "John" Koestler
2009Astro BoyYesDr. TenmaVoice
2009The Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New OrleansYesTerrence McDonagh
2010Kick-AssYesDamon Macready / Big Daddy
2010With Great Power: The Stan Lee StoryYesHimself
2010The Sorcerer's ApprenticeYesYesBalthazar Blake
2011Season of the WitchYesBehman von Bleiruck
2011Drive AngryYesMilton
2011Seeking JusticeYesWill Gerard
2012A Thousand WordsYes
2012Ghost Rider: Spirit of VengeanceYesGhost Rider / Johnny Blaze
2012StolenYesWill Montgomery
2013The CroodsYesGrug CroodVoice
2013The Frozen GroundYesDetective Glenn Flothe
2014TokarevYesPaul Maguire
2014Left BehindYesRayford Steele
2014OutcastYesNicholas Powell
2015The Dying of the LightYesEvan Lake

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel (born July 18, 1967) is an American actor, producer, director, and screenwriter. He came to prominence in the late 1990s, and first became known for appearing in Steven Spielberg's Saving Private Ryan in 1998. He is most known for his portrayals of Riddick in The Chronicles of Riddick trilogy (2001–2013) and of Dominic Toretto in The Fast and the Furious film series (2001–present), two franchises in which he also acted as producer.
He starred in xXx (2002) and Sidney Lumet's Find Me Guilty (2006). His voice acting work includes Brad Bird's The Iron Giant (1999), the video games of The Chronicles of Riddick franchise, and the upcoming Guardians of the Galaxyadaptation of the Marvel comics of the same name.
As a filmmaker, Diesel directed, wrote, produced and starred in the drama film Strays, as well as in two short films. He is the founder of the production companies One Race FilmsRacetrack Records, and Tigon Studios.

Early life[edit]

Diesel was born as Mark Sinclair[1] or Mark Vincent[2] in New York City. His mother, Delora Sherleen (Sinclair) Vincent, is an astrologer.[3][4] Diesel has stated that he is "of ambiguous ethnicity".[5] His mother's background includes Scottish, English, and German.[6] He has never met his biological father, and has stated that "all I know from my mother is that I have connections to many different cultures".[7] Diesel has self-identified as "definitely a person of colour".[8] He has stated that his parents' relationship was illegal in some parts of the United States due to anti-miscegenation laws.[9] Diesel was raised by his Caucasian mother and African-American stepfather, Irving H. Vincent, an acting instructor and theater manager.[8][10][11] He made his stage debut at age seven when he appeared in the children's play Dinosaur Door, written by Barbara Garson. The play was produced at Theater for the New City in New York's Greenwich Village. His involvement in the play came about when he, his brother, and some friends had broken into Theater for the New City's space on Jane Street with the intent to vandalize it. They were confronted by the theater's artistic director, Crystal Field, who, instead of calling the police, handed them scripts and offered them parts in the upcoming show.[12][13][14]
Diesel remained involved with the theater throughout adolescence, going on to attend the city's Hunter College, where his creative writing studies led him to begin screenwriting. He has identified himself as a "multi-faceted" actor[15] as a result of early difficulties finding roles due to his mixed heritage.[15][16] He changed his name to Vin Diesel while working as a bouncer at the New York nightclub Tunnel, because one's real name is not usually given out in that business. The name "Vin" is simply a shortened version of "Vincent". He received the nickname "Diesel" from his friends, who said he ran off diesel fuel, referring to his non-stop energy.



Diesel's first film role was a brief uncredited appearance in the film Awakenings (1990). He then wrote, directed, produced, and starred in the short film Multi-Facial(1994), a short semi-autobiographical film which follows a struggling actor stuck in the audition process. The film was selected for screening at the 1995 Cannes Festival. He made his first feature-length film, Strays (1997), an urban drama in which he played a gang leader whose love for a woman inspires him to try to change his ways. Written, directed, and produced by Diesel, the film was selected for competition at the 1997 Sundance Festival, leading to an MTV deal to turn it into a series. He was cast in Steven Spielberg's 1998 Oscar-winning film Saving Private Ryan on the poignancy of his performance in Multi-Facial. In 1999, he earned critical acclaim for his voice work as the title character in the animation film The Iron Giant.[17]


Diesel at a premiere for Fast & Furious in 2009
Diesel had a major role in the business drama Boiler Room (2000),[17] and then got his breakthrough role as the anti-heroRiddick in the science-fiction film Pitch Black (2000).[17] Diesel attained action hero stardom with two box office hits: the street racing action film The Fast and the Furious (2001), and the action thriller xXx (2002).[17] In 2004, Diesel reprised his role as Riddick in The Chronicles of Riddick,[17] which was a box office failure considering the large budget. In 2005, he played a lighthearted role in the comedy film The Pacifier, which became a box office success.[17]
In 2006, he chose a dramatic role playing real-life mobster Jack DiNorscio in Find Me Guilty.[17] Although he received critical acclaim for his performance, the film did poorly at the box office.[17] Later that year, Diesel made a cameo appearance in The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift, reprising his role from The Fast and the Furious. He was originally offered the lead in 2 Fast 2 Furious, but turned it down.[17] He was also offered the chance to reprise his role from xXx in xXx: State of the Union, but turned it down as well.
In 2007, Diesel was set to produce and star as Agent 47 in the film adaptation of the video game Hitman, but eventually pulled back and served as executive producer on the film instead. In 2008, he starred in the science-fiction action thrillerBabylon A.D.. Diesel returned to the The Fast and The Furious series, alongside all the actors from the original film, in Fast & Furious, which was released in April 2009.[17]


Diesel reprised his role as Dominic Toretto in the fifth and sixth films of the Fast and Furious franchise, Fast Five (2011) and Fast & Furious 6 (2013). He reprised his role as Riddick in the third film of the Riddick series simply titled Riddick (2013). In August 2013, Diesel received an honorary star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.[18]
Diesel is slated to star in the planned July 2014 Fast & Furious 7, and will be voicing the character Groot in the planned August 2014 Marvel Cinematic Universefilm Guardians of the Galaxy.[20]

Personal life[edit]

Diesel is noted for his recognizably deep voice; he has said that his voice broke at around age 15, giving him a mature sounding voice on the telephone.[21] He has a twin brother, Paul, a younger brother, Tim, and a sister, Samantha.[17] Around 2001, Diesel dated his Fast and the Furious co-star, Michelle Rodriguez.[22]
Diesel's main car Dodge ChargerFast & Furious
Diesel has a daughter, Hania Riley (born 2008), and a son Vincent (2010) with his girlfriend, Mexican model Paloma Jimenez.[23][24][25] Speaking to An tEolas, an Irish newspaper, Diesel stated he has been seen as a hard man, but is in touch with his soft side as a father.[26] Diesel claims that he prefers dating in Europe, where he is less likely to be recognized and where celebrities are not romantically linked to each other. He prefers to maintain his privacy regarding his personal life: "I'm not gonna put it out there on a magazine cover like some other actors. I come from the Harrison FordMarlon BrandoRobert De NiroAl Pacino code of silence."
Fast Five cast with Natalie Morales for NBC's The Today Show.
Diesel has expressed his love for the Dominican Republic, and how he relates to its multicultural facets. He is acquainted with its president, Leonel Fernández, and appeared in one of Fernández's earlier campaign ads. Los Bandoleros, a short film directed by Diesel, was filmed in the Dominican Republic.
Diesel has played Dungeons & Dragons for over 20 years, and wrote the foreword for the commemorative book 30 Years of Adventure: A Celebration of Dungeons & Dragons. In the 30th anniversary issue ofDragon magazine, it was revealed that Diesel had a fake tattoo of his character's name, Melkor, on his stomach while filming xXx.